Metaphor and Simile

Task Description: Today we did Writing it was about Metaphor and Simile but there was only one page and i wanted to do more but there was only one page it was a bit hard and a bit easy because the lines part  was kind of hard but the one one on the side was easy because you had to pick Metaphor or Simile so Simile is as or like that’s how i did it.

The Five Senses

Task Description: Today we did writing it was about using The Five Senses touch tastes smell look and hearing basically it was not that hard to do it was a little bit easy because i got confused on feel and touch but i did it right and i was so happy that i finished this because some of my friends needed help so i helped. Them just a little bit so i could do mine to be honest my favourite one was Nathan’s Night Market because i go there on tuesday every week well some times of the week and thank you Mr Hughes for putting your hard work on this and i also loved this to.


Task Description: Today we did Maths it was about Statistics it was like what was your favourite game i picked call of duty but i didn’t count myself i just asked my friends and so me boys i know my favourite page was page 4 because you get walk around and ask people what is your. Favourite game and i even went to room 8 so i can ask my friends from there and some people from room 8 ask me to and my friend skylar needed help from me so i helped her and i had fun doing this with my friends.

Story Reflection

Task Description: Today we learn about i spy with my little and it was amazing i loved it because this creature name pebble i was sad at the start of the story because  all they had to eat was rocks and pebble had a friend his name was stone he said to pebble i spy my little with a r then stone said to pebble the answer is rocks then pebble went home and. He had a dream about boulder chasing after her and i really loved reading this story because i really liked it.

New Zealand Birds

Task Description: Today we learned about New Zealand Birds my task i did today was Response to Text it was about the birds we used for camp and it was also really nice and it some of my friends didn’t understand it so i help them with it my favourite bird was a Tui  because Tui’s can copy sounds like a dog barking but it was not a dog it was the Tui and i really had fun doing this.

                                                     New Zealand Birds: Our Feathered Friends           

                                                                                 Response to Text


  • What is the name of the native New Zealand bird known for its vibrant blue feathers, long red bill, and distinctive white undertail?


  1. A) Tui
  2. B) Kea
  3. C) Pukeko
  4. D) Ruru


  • Which native New Zealand bird is renowned for its melodious song and iridescent plumage?


  1. A) Weka
  2. B) Piwakawaka
  3. C) Tui
  4. D) Ruru

Inference Questions:


  • Why are Wekas vulnerable to population declines in some areas, according to the article?


  1. A) Due to their flightless nature
  2. B) Because of their fearless behavior
  3. C) Predation by introduced species
  4. D) Lack of suitable habitat


  • Why are Keas described as cheeky birds in the article?


  1. A) Because they have bright orange underwings
  2. B) Due to their olive-green plumage
  3. C) Because they often investigate objects and vehicles
  4. D) Because they inhabit alpine regions


  • Based on the article, what role do Rurus play in the ecosystem?


  1. A) Controlling nocturnal pests
  2. B) Mimicking sounds from their environment
  3. C) Investigating backpacks and tents
  4. D) Foraging for insects on the wing

New Zealand Birds: Our Feathered Friends

Response to Text


  • What is the name of the native New Zealand bird known for its vibrant blue feathers, long red bill, and distinctive white undertail?


  1. A) Tui
  2. B) Kea
  3. C) Pukeko
  4. D) Ruru


  • Which native New Zealand bird is renowned for its melodious song and iridescent plumage?


  1. A) Weka
  2. B) Piwakawaka
  3. C) Tui
  4. D) Ruru

Inference Questions:


  • Why are Wekas vulnerable to population declines in some areas, according to the article?


  1. A) Due to their flightless nature
  2. B) Because of their fearless behavior
  3. C) Predation by introduced species
  4. D) Lack of suitable habitat


  • Why are Keas described as cheeky birds in the article?


  1. A) Because they have bright orange underwings
  2. B) Due to their olive-green plumage
  3. C) Because they often investigate objects and vehicles
  4. D) Because they inhabit alpine regions


  • Based on the article, what role do Rurus play in the ecosystem?


  1. A) Controlling nocturnal pests
  2. B) Mimicking sounds from their environment
  3. C) Investigating backpacks and tents
  4. D) Foraging for insects on the wing


Making Connections

Task Description: Today we did reading it was about camp what Team 4 had last week it was amazing i loved camp last week it was a bit scary at first but then i got a hang of it and went to sleep i also had lots of fun and i also liked the people who i slept with i only slept with two people it was my two best friends. And then on Thursday my group was Weka first in the morning we did Maori art with whaea saf after that we did Cycloball with Mr J when we were done after that we ate lunch then we all went to the hall first. Our camp teacher told us to do our dance for tonight our dance was a just dance song it was YMCA after we danced for a little bit our camp teacher told us we were allowed play but i was just relaxing for a little bit then i went to go play with my. Friends after that our camp teacher said that we had to go back where all the other groups were once  we got there Miss parent told us to go get ready for our camp concert first we all went to go and dance for a little bit before the concert starts when we were all done dancing for a bit we went back where all the other groups were then we went to the hall. And i also saw a lot of parents after the concert we all went to sleep then on Friday morning we had to pack up are bags after that we had to clean put are tents because it was a mess i they also told us that we are going to the Mangere pools but we also. Had to put are tugs on to then we went on the bus once we got there the lifeguard then we all went to swim after swimming Miss parent told us to come eat after i ate i went to go change then we all played for i little bit then we left to go back to school once we got there we watched a movie then my sister came to pick me up when the bell went first i said bye to my friends then i went home.

Response to text

Task Description: today we did writing it was about are camp group’s and i was so happy because tomorrow Team 4 has’s camp and i love the group that i am in i am with Miss Tuia she is team weka i also love the name of it weka is a bird.


Thea’s camp adventure

Response to text


  1. Where is Camp Kowhai located?
  2. a) In the city centre
  3. b) Near a beach
  4. c) In a forest with rimu trees and a stream 
  5. d) On a mountaintop


  1. What is Thea’s main challenge at the beginning of the story?
  2. a) Keeping up with her classmates physically
  3. b) Overcoming her fear of heights
  4. c) Making new friends 
  5. d) Missing her family


  1. How does Thea overcome her shyness?
  2. a) By conquering her fear of heights
  3. b) By participating in the camp activities
  4. c) By singing around the campfire
  5. d) By helping Mr. Hoaka


  1. What event helps Thea step outside her comfort zone?
  2. a) Building the waka
  3. b) Finding the lost kiwi chick
  4. c) Participating in the obstacle course
  5. d) Listening to Mr. Hoaka’s stories


  1. What is the main theme of the story? 
  2. a) The importance of following directions
  3. b) The beauty and importance of nature
  4. c) Overcoming shyness and making new friends 
  5. d) The value of listening to stories


  1. How do you think Thea feels at the end of the story?

by making new friends and overcoming her fear


  1. Can you relate to Thea’s experience in any way?

→  by not being shy and overcoming her fear and making new friends.


  1. Why do you think camp experiences are valuable for young people?

because some young people can be sacred and shy but when they do it there shyness will go away and they will go again and do it.


year 5/6 Pre-camp

Task Description: today we did writing it was about camp and i’m also looking forward to go camp on Wednesday

this week this year for camp the group that i’m in is weka and it is my favourite out of all groups i do like some of them and also like are chant and are dance.

Early New Zealand History

Task Description: Today we did Early New Zealand History it was about how all of does maps made a long long time ago and i also had to read that hole page it was kind of fun but i did it anyway and i also tried to say the words that i  couldn’t read because it was to hard to say but it was ok i kind of it because i love writing.

About Me | Ko Wai Ahau

Talofa my name is Margret And I am in room 7. My Teacher’s name is Miss Parant and I like to do arts and maths. Ienjoy playing cricket at school. My favourite fruit is mango. My other favourite subject is cooking pancakes for breakfast for me and my family. I love going to my Dad’s cricket game. What me and my friends do is just walk around the school and say to each other. My friends also come over to my house everyday so we all walk over to my house after school so i can ask my Mum if i can go to my friends house and that’s about me. Please check out my learning and leave a positive comment on my blog.